Lesson Summary:
This list-based article is going to be one giant of an exercise to help you save the world and help reduce the possibility of more natural and environmental disasters from occurring in the future. The fact that the earth is over-heating as we speak is frightening enough. Climate change, global warming, air pollution, water pollution, overfishing, ozone layer depletion, overpopulation, habitat loss, land degradation, ocean acidification have taken toll on the environment and big and huge environmental disaster is awaiting us. But there’s nothing intimidating about this lengthy list of thirty five ways to save mother earth and prevent another natural environmental disaster from happening in your neighborhood or region.

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MOHAMMAD AL AMIN is an Assistant Teacher at Monaiullah Adarsha High School.
Mohammad Al Amin

 Personal Statement:

Intend to work in a challenging and competitive environment where strong sense of responsibilities is required and my capabilities can be efficiently utilized, where dignity of work provides job satisfaction and the place of work provides potential avenues for growing & learning as well as to achieve a top level in the hierarchy of the organization.

 Education Information:

Name of Certificates Board/University Passing Year Major/Group Division or Class
S.S.C Comilla 1997 Science 2nd Division
H.S.C Comilla 2000 Commerce 2nd Division
B.Com National University 2003 Commerce 3rd Division
BPED National University 2006 Physical 1st Class
SLBC Bangladesh Scouts 2006 Scouts Leader pass
NTRCA Ministry of Education 2007 Physical pass National University 2011 Management 2nd Division
Computer Office Application Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh 2003 Computer pass
Computer Office Application Bangladesh Technical Education Board, Dhaka 2012 Computer A+

 Other Education Information:

Name of Certificates Name of institution Passing Year Major/Group Division or Class
LMAFP Dhaka 2003 Science 2nd Division
VDRMP MoulviBazar 2007 Science 2nd Division
Bangladesh Gram Dacter(kallayan)Samity Dhaka 2007 Science Membership
Continuing Professional Development Ministry of Education
TQI-ii 2010 Social Science pass
CPD-2 Ministry of Education 2011 Refresher’s pass
Digital Content Development Training Ministry of Education
TQI-ii 2012 Computer pass
Developing Master Trainers Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh 2012 Computer pass
School Sanitation &Hygiene Education Organized BRAC
2010 Social pass
Promoting Active Citizenship US Embassy, Dhaka 2013 Social& ICT pass
ICT TOT Ministry of Education
TQI-ii 2015 ICT A+
Advanced ICT Course Ministry of Education
TQI-ii 2016 ICT A+
Computer Hardwar and Treble Shutting Ministry of Education
TQI-ii 2016 ICT Pass
Advanced ICT Follow-up Course Ministry of Education
TQI-ii 2017 ICT A+

 Experience:

1. June 2000 to July 2001, Trainer of Teachers PROSHIKA ( A Centre for Human, NGOs in Bangladesh), Child School. Proshikkhan Shikkha Karmo. (Training, Education, Action, Bangladesh) Brahmanbaria Sader.
2. August 2001 to Nobember2002, Thana Officer of CARA (community activities for rural Advancement , NGOs in Bangladesh).
3. January 2002 to July 2003. Field Officer (Alfalah Medical Center) Brahmanbaria Sader.
4. September 2003 to January 2005, M.D. of Shopna Shiree ( Computer Training Center) Brahmanbaria Sader.
5. June 2005 to August 2006, M.D. of A.S.I.T.(Alamin Science & Information Technology). ( Computer training center) . Brahmanbaria Sader.
6. Director at Holy Child Kinder Garden. Brahmanbaria Sader.
7. March 2005 to December 2006, Assist Teacher of English. Miftahul Falah kafiludden Technical Madrasha. Brahmanbaria Sader.
8. February 2007 to January 2010, Medical Promotion Officer of Bio-Pharma Lab. Limited. Area: Sreemongal, Moulvibazar. Sylhet.
9. 14 January 2010 (Onward), Assist Teacher of Monaiullah Adarsha High School. Sreemongal, Moulvibazar. Sylhet.
10. Director at ADEBA Pharmacy. Sreemongal, Moulvibazar. Sylhet.
11. Director at Srijonshil Bidda Nikaton (Kinder Garden School).
12. Director at ADEBA Computer Traning Center and Servicing Center . Sreemongal, Moulvibazar. Sylhet.
13. Master Trainer, ICT, Moulvibazar District.
14. District Ambassadors at ICT4E
15. Assistant Teacher at Micrososoft Innovative Educator.
16. Team leader at District Ambassador in Muktopaath.
17. Best Content Developer of the week at (Shikkok Bataon) শিক্ষক বাতায়ন.
18. Master Trainer at Teaching Quality Improvement in Secondary Education Project & BCC of Bangladesh

 Responsibilities/Duties

Search Potential market and Customers
Negotiation with customers
Ensuring after sales service
Maintaining longtime relationship with customers
Documenting day to day files and papers
Talking Decision as per the direction of higher management
Managing subordinates
Directing subordinates
Reviewing the monthly & yearly financial statement
Good teaching

 Computer Literacy :

Operating Systems : Windows98/2000/2002/2004/2007/2008/XP/VISTA
Word Processing : Micro Soft Word
Spread Sheet Analysis: Micro Soft Excel
Presentation: Micro Soft Power Point
Data Base: Micro Soft Access
Internet Utilities : Internet Explorer,
MS Outlook, Emailing,
Browsing, and Maintenance
MIS : Maintaining & Operating
Typing Capability : English- 50 words per minutes Bangla- 35 words per minutes
H & S : Hardwar & Software

 Language Proficiency :

English- Excellent.
Bangla- Excellent.
Hindi – Normal
 Personal Information :

Full Name : Mohammad Alamin .
Nick Name : Swadhin .
Father’s Name: Mohammad Abul Khair .
Mother’s Name: Mrs. Momtaz Begum .
Marital Status: Married.
Date of Birth: 7th April 1981.
Contact Details: Mobile No-01710-407277.

Permanent Address: Vill- Purba Sreemangal
POST- Sreemangal-3210
P/S- Sreemangal
Dist- Moulvibazar
Present Address:
Monaiullah Adarsha High School,
Assistant Teacher
Purba Sreemongal
Sreemongal, Moulvibazar.
E-Mail Address:
G-Mail Address:
Nationality: Bangladeshi (by birth)
Religion: Islam
Sex : Male

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